Ask Lady Cannabis debuts in the April/ May issue of The Hemp Connoisseur. Lady Cannabis is a perfect lady and the voice for acceptable and appropriate use of cannabis. Author, Ms. Susan Squibb combines her Anthropologically trained perspective and her experience in cannabis culture to resolve the social dillemmas of acceptable cannabis use.
Read the column below and click on the link to read the whole issue of The Hemp Connoisseur
Ask Lady Cannabis
Dear Lady Cannabis, I am a mother of a 16 year old who knows that I medicate with mmj. He wants to try cannabis and calls me a hypocrite for not allowing him try it out. I’m worried that he’ll get it from his friends without my consent. How can I explain to him that he is not ready to use it, seeing as he doesn’t have a medical condition that would warrant it? Patient Parent
Dear Patient Parent, While you use cannabis for alleviation of a medical condition, your teenage son wants your permission to experiment with cannabis in a recreational setting. Although it is a safer recreational drug than alcohol or tobacco, recreational drug use is not appropriate for teenagers. Your son needs to understand he is still growing up and experimenting at this time is not the best choice. When he is an adult, he can make his own choices.
Talk to your son and tell him why the answer is no. In the meantime, it is important to examine and model appropriate cannabis use in the home. As a patient and a parent, how do you medicate? Are you solitary and discreet or social and open? When consuming medical cannabis, especially in a social setting in the home, be the responsible adult your son needs to see.
Dear Lady Cannabis, When you’re at a party, how do you know if it will be acceptable to spark one? Chill Dude
Dear Chill Dude, If you are at a small gathering of adults, ask the host for a recommended place. Tell your host about your herbal party favor and ask when is an appropriate time to have a puff. If no clear indication is given, be discreet. Take a small circle of interested guests, go outside to a private area and make sure you will not be missing an organized activity while you are gone. At larger parties, the center of an adult crowd can be a safe place to smoke cannabis. If you want more privacy, go a comfortable spot along the party perimeter.